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Inscape Publishing Products - Personal Learning Insights Profile®

Personal Learning Insights Profile


Maximize Every Learning Opportunity
To be successful in today's dynamic, information-intensive world, organizations must encourage and support effective, lifelong learning at all levels of the organization. The Personal Learning Insights Profile® is the reliable, easy-to-use learning strategy you need. It's designed to help people identify their personal learning approach, communicate their learning needs, and access more effective learning resources. The result is enthusiastic learners who are able to develop new capacities quickly, discover fresh ways of thinking, and achieve new levels of innovative performance.

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Fax: 215.860.6098

Start improving today!

Explore Three Key Aspects of Learning
The Personal Learning Insights Profile is a self-directed learning instrument that helps people identify and understand how they experience, process, organize, store, and retrieve information. The profile provides a valid, reliable framework for exploring three important components of cognitive learning:

  1. Learning Purpose. Some people have more of a desire to learn when the information is practical and can be put to use immediately. Others are more interested in learning when the information is new and informative, but not necessarily useful at that time.
  2. Learning Structure. Some people prefer to have information presented in a specific format so they can easily make connections and see what's coming next. Others prefer a more general format so they can create their own structure for the information and organize it so it makes sense to them.
  3. Learning Activity. Some people prefer to participate actively with others when learning. They enjoy discussion and participating in a variety of learning activities. Others are more reflective in their learning. After taking in new information, they prefer to take some time to consider it before reacting.
Invest in Learning Today for Tomorrow's Success
The Personal Learning Insights Profile helps individuals and facilitators clearly understand and communicate different learning needs, develop effective formal learning opportunities, and capitalize on informal learning across a wide range of applications, including the following:
  • personal and career development
  • management and leadership development
  • performance improvement
  • communication skills
  • group facilitation skills
  • team building
  • coaching and mentoring
Light the Way to Individual, Team, and Organizational Learning
Organizations use the Personal Learning Insights Profile to help people:
  • understand what motivates them to learn
  • develop action plans to maximize learning
  • design learning resources and experiences that meet diverse needs